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How to calculate age of tree using ring without cutting

 How to calculate age of  tree using ring without cutting

The rings in the trees are used to calculating the age of the trees and tells what the weather was like during each year of the tree’s life. The light-colored rings represent wood that grew in the spring and early summer, while the dark rings represent wood that grew in the late summer and fall. One light ring plus one dark ring equals one year of the tree’s life.

The color and width of tree rings can provide snapshots of past climate conditions.

For example, tree rings usually grow wider in warm, wet years and they are thinner in years when it is cold and dry. If the tree has experienced stressful conditions, such as a drought, the tree might hardly grow at all in those years

Calculating the age of the tree without cutting

The age of the tree can be calculated without cutting the tree with the help of an instrument called Increment borer this instrument is bored into the tree up to the centre and collect the samples, with this  we can able to get the part of the ring we can able to calculate the age


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