Light speed is possible Yeah ,light speed is possible but want for an enormous amount of energy.Okay ,how much energy? It's approximately equal to the Big Bang's energy.You must know about one truth,but this one is scientists theory and no one in this universe is not able to prove practically.Because of our life span is very less compared to universe and suppose you want to proof that you must create very powerful engine.This engine having equal amount of big bang's energy.And start the engine ,You set origin (0,0) from your location and you will set your engine balance your origin point.After starting your engine the earth will move more than 3 lakh kilometers and also whole galaxy in just one second.But you will not submit your results to earth ,it goes continuously more than light speed.Yeah we are travel more than light speed and we are the example of achieve light speed.When Big Bang happens it releases enormous amount of energy ,this energy expands our entire mat...