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Showing posts from June, 2021

cosmos is within us

  When we look up into stars, moon or simply watching a candle make a rhythm between your eyes and breathing so When you exhale air will go out and also you will got out open your eyes When you inhale air will go in also you will go in close your eyes so they should be in a rhythm with breathing and eyes at that time you will feel an tremendous experience light will start exploding within you -osho It gives you a blissfullness When something is outside the body so there must be something inner. Like Poles If there is positive charge there is also a negative charge We go on exploring something out out out But we forgot to look into inside of our soul To look means there is no object in it We cannot see it in the regular dimension we see the world It can be seen by in an another dimension that is mediation Have a journey into your inner search Science-inner journey