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Showing posts from November, 2020

Why solar system and spiral galaxies are flat

The common misconceptions about solar system is it looks like atoms structure that electrons revolves around nucleus in a sphere shape but actually the solar system is flat Our galaxies are formed by vast cloud dust collided together initially forms a irregular shape and spins slowly but  closer they attracted it starts spinning faster because of law of conservation of angular momentum  It causes to centrifugal action in it (centripetal force stops the cloud to form as a Sphere ) leads to form as a disk shape.

A perfect Night sky

 Remember to look up at the stars not down to your feet-Stephen hawking. Whenever I sat on roof top and look up at the stars in the night sky it looks very beautiful with some cloudy disturbances and recently on mid of October Mars approach at  close to Earth hard night its looks very bright in red-orange colour it's keep on asking me one question that existence of ourselves and it's like keep on telling me that we are just small stuff compare to it but one thing that excites me is the smallest brain in that small stuff has the capability to explore the universe.