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Showing posts from September, 2020

How Gravitational microlensing use to detect Rouge planet

  We know that planets outside our solar system are called as exoplanets all these planets are revolve around its own star but this Rouge Palnets are strange they doesn't revolve stars they move around the galaxy  or move around anywhere in space How astronomers find Rouge planet    These Planets are invisible because they doesn't revolve around any stars and it doesn't reflect any light so with normal telescope we can't find it , this planets are  very cold so it is difficult to find even  using infrared telescope it is like finding a black ball in a dark room Then how astronomers find this planets here they  using  gravitational microlensing  When an rogue planet moves in front of a more distant star from our view  from point light the star bends as it passes through the warped space-time around the planet. The planet acts as a  magnifying glass, amplifying the brightness of the background star.

How a single celled bacteria paved a way for life on earth

  Earth atmosphere wasn't   like that amount of oxygen present today, about 3.5 billion years ago earth atmosphere have only Nitrogen carbon dioxide and methane and oceans full of anaerobic organism including cyanobacteria ,after  cyanobacteria floats in the ocean and able to photosynthesis  with the help of sunlight and carbon dioxide produce their own energy and expelled oxygen to atmospher after the population growth of bacteria increase which leads to oxygen level high which causes death of other organisms around 2.5-2.1  cooling of earth forms ice age and temperature falls and up varied then , aerobic organism comes to play cause decrease the oxygen level so that the level of oxygen rise and fall and finally brings to 21% that we have today after that cyanobacteria swelled by a microbe so that the microbe itself produce energy by the help of cyanobacteria later it's give way to plant cell  Now we are calling this cyanobacteria as chloroplast The d...

Airless moon gets rusted near poles chandrayan-1 mission shows

  We all know that moon has no atmosphere but at near the pole hematite (Iron oxide-Rust) is found by chandrayan-1 2008 mission by ISRO (INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANISATION) Shows the data The blue colour show ice presents at the poles the red orange colour show that is hematite. Hematite   Hematite is a oxides of iron generally rust. Rust is formed only when iron is reacted to oxygen and presence of moisture in air or water which leads to corrode How hematite formed in Airless moon Scientist believe that reason for rust  is First Hydrogen ion in form of plasma from sun's solar wind act as a reducer in moons surface but when moon orbiting earth at point it crosses earth magnetotail in earth magnetism there may be possible for oxygen may expell from the atmosphere may have chance to react with moon surface it mostly oocur when earth and moon is completely face each other where earth blocks all the solar wind to moon at the time oxidation may happen Another reason  dust...